The Heritage Expansion
We’re pleased to announce that Phase 2 of our $70 million expansion is now complete. We’ve added new independent living residences, new assisted living residences, and a host of new and improved amenities. You’ll notice the difference the moment you walk in the door. Phase 3 completion is projected for Summer 2023. See our progress and updates below!
The Next Event for the Heritage Expansion Residents
Coffee with the Contractor: July 27 at 1:00pm (Neighborhood Representatives)
Construction Update for June 2023
- Painting for 1st and 2nd floors complete, 3rd floor ongoing.
- Flooring for 1st floor almost complete and 2nd floor is ongoing; 3rd floor expected soon.
- Appliance installation ongoing (1st floor substantially complete and 2nd floor expected 7/7)
- Landscaping is substantially complete.
- Paving – Garage entrance paved 6/26; striping at driveway complete 6/30; striping in garage pending.
- Pole lights for site lighting to be installed 6/30.
- As of 7/6, all electrical components have been received! They will need to be tested, inspected, and approved before we will be able to send out the official 90-day occupancy letters. Stay tuned!
The Marketing Team discussed the Move-in Packets in the May meeting (these are different than the Application for Residency packets). The Move-in Packets have some forms that you will need to complete and submit to Ridgley Livingston as a complete packet prior to your move in. I’ll summarize these two packets below, and if you do not have one or both of these packets already, please contact our office at 919-384-2475 as soon as possible:
Application for Residency packet – questions and responsible party is Danielle Brown:
CDA, financial verification statements and tax returns, and application fee ($200 for single occupant and $300 for double occupants) – must be submitted within 10 days of receiving the 90-day occupancy notice, but not prior to receiving the 90-day notice.
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices form, Determination of Living Unit Occupancy form, and Medical forms – can be submitted anytime from now up to your move, but these must be on file prior to occupancy.
Move-in packet – questions and responsible party is Ridgley Livingston:
Move in packet paperwork can be submitted anytime – must be submitted 2 weeks prior to closing date. There are 2 forms in the packet that need to be notarized. I will notarize the documents at closing. If you are not planning on transferring your Primary Care to Croasdaile Village Ambulatory Care Clinic you do not need to fill out the Medical Record Release Form. If you have questions while filling out the paperwork you will not need an individual appointment. Feel free to email or call at your convenience.
Facebook group information –
We started a private Facebook group for only the Heritage expansion residents as a way for the residents to communicate with each other, share contact information if folks would like, share moving or downsizing tips, recommend to one another vendors or other companies you are happy using, or any other information you would like to post for all the expansion residents. If you haven’t joined yet and would like to, enter the link below in your Web Browser and click “join group.”