The Kindness Club: Random Acts of Kindness

Did you know that Croasdaile Village has a club totally devoted to doing kind deeds for those in need or those who need a lift? This club began in August of 2020 because of the Covid pandemic. Caroline Ryskiewich of the Life Enrichment team saw the isolation and hurt and formed the Kindness Club to let the residents and others know that we care. Now as many as fifteen residents attend the 1st and 3rd Friday meetings at 2:00 p.m.
The Kindness Club makes craft items, writes cards and gives treats to those who need a ray of sunshine in their lives. These are distributed in cubbies or delivered to the Pavilion, the Orchard, and the Magnolia. For the CV staff, the Kindness Club has distributed plates of homemade fudge or brownies. Recently they have added welcome packets for new residents. Right now they are working on spring treats (Tootsie Pop bunnies) for Assisted Living, Memory Care, and Pavilion.
The Kindness Club is alive and well today with Life Enrichment’s Laura Plant as Club Coordinator, assisted by Shannon Mussatti. Ruth Ann Anderson, an original member, wrote the Club history and many clever poems that the Kindness Club includes when sharing their treats, saying “Participants receive as much joy as they spread while working together and making new friends.” Peg Wray adds, “We have been told that residents delight in our seasonal surprises.”